We are all about what the cow needs. We bring together the latest science and research to ensure her milk production can be optimised and sustained over the season by applying the best nutrition practices.
Grazing pasture and other forages provide the basis of dairy rations in New Zealand. Favourable environmental conditions and fertile soils allow us to grow highly digestible ryegrass varieties high in metabolisable energy and protein. The challenges faced by modern dairy cows include the constraints of grazing on total intake (minutes grazed x bite rate x bite mass), nutrient imbalances (excess soluble protein, low calcium etc.) and seasonal shortages (due to drought, stocking rate).
Over the past decade many farmers have managed the seasonal shortage challenge via the introduction of PKE. It can be a useful management tool to aid in filling summer feed gaps. Applying PKE to fresh cow rations in spring can be less effective, as fast rates of passage through the rumen due to pasture conditions leads to reduced feed conversion efficiency. Specific carbohydrate and mineral requirements remain unaddressed.
Incorporating highly digestible concentrated feeds into lactating cow rations within grazing herds has consistently proven to give positive, repeatable responses. The pelletising process ensures that the additional nutrient ingested is readily digested to support increased productivity, even when pasture conditions increase rate of passage.
Pellets allow you to increase total daily dry matter intake per cow and provide carbohydrates, protein and minerals to address seasonal forage nutrient imbalances. We can also accurately deliver rumen buffers, feed additives (such as sodium monensin, betaine, prebiotics), organic trace minerals and essential vitamins.
Improving milk solids production per cow requires the right balance of nutrients being consumed by your herd, day in, day out. High quality concentrated feeds are an ideal feed type to help provide balanced rations for grazing dairy herds.